1. Before you even take the test you have to meet the requirements in order to take the test, like not have four absence, do all your h.w and etc. The day before the test you have to go over what you have learned in class for example you should memorize the instructions of what they want in an essay. If you want you should also read the CATW practice test that we had in class or write a few essay on your own that would help you remember all the steps you need to have a successful essay. Have a good night sleep as well so you wont be falling asleep during the test. Now on the day of the test the most important thing to do before taking the test is getting something to eat so your hunger wont bother you during the test, also drink allot of coffee so in case you get a boring essay your mind would be sharp.
Now when you get to the test you have to make sure to bring a student I.D, pens, and a dictionary, you should also go to the bathroom and do what you got to do, so like that you have 90 minutes to give full attention to your essay and that's it. When you are taking the test you should already have in your mind that you have 90 minutes to complete the test so no slacking you should read the essay at most 3 times the first time you should read and the second time you should read and highlight the main idea(the most important part of the essay) and high light the most important ideas(things that relate to the main idea) and you also have to be careful not to highlight the minor details that should take about 20minutes.
Before you write the essay you should write an outline on how you want your essay to be. The essay it's self is very important so when writing it make sure that your pen is visible and that you write in a hand writing that the test grader can understand. In the writing you should have an intro, two bodies,and a conclusion. The Intro should have the main idea, but paraphrased into your own words about what the author is writing about, it should also have a summary of the story which should include the main idea and the most important details in your own words. Now the last piece that the intro needs is a quote that you agree or disagree with. The first body paragraph is what explains why you agree or disagreed with the quote, and how you do that is with examples you have to make sure that your examples relates to your opinion. Now the second body paragraph is to use a personal experience that you can relate to why you agreed and disagreed, and for the final part of your essay which is the conclusion you should reinstate the main idea and your view points on why you agreed or disagree. In your body paragraph you have to make sure that you are very specific so it can help understand your essay more
2. I have the tendency to fall asleep or look around and not focus on my essay when the essay its self is boring. It seems from my previous practice test I have improved allot before i had no idea how to write an essay or it's structure but now i have the idea of how to write one. I'm still slacking in the body paragraphs and grammar, it wasn't as bad as before, before i didn't even know how to start an essay and now i do. My problem with body paragraph is I'm not that specific or it doesn't go with my other paragraph i would always talk about something else that's some what related but its not and grammar i miss allot of commas and periods so it becomes harder to understand.
3.I definitely need to have like five cups of coffee and eat right in order to stay awake in case they give me a boring essay that's what I'm going to do to stay awake. In order for me to get my body paragraphs right im going to reread my body paragraph multiple times to make sure I'm on task and to see that everything makes sense and I'm also going to do that with my grammar error I'm going to reread everything and see were I'm missing a comma and a period.
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